Bermuda Cruise Manifested


I hope its been a great year for you all. I have not posted much in this block since I have several I have been in one place so I kept making videos on you tube.  You can see my updates for the recent van dwelling experience HERE.

Now this post is about my 7 day FREE Bermuda Cruise.  I could just call it right place right time.  It was totally unexpected and random in a good way.  I found out only two weeks before we were leaving, luckily I had a passcard.

This trip came after I began to get deeper into the law of attraction thinking of abundance is all around us we just need to be open to receive it. I do believe it and if you watch some of the above videos you will see me chatting about in the more recent ones.

As far as the cruise itself my favorite parts were watching the water and eating the endless supply of food.  I still miss those late nights roaming around the food bar. My favorite treats were the variety of omelets, the ice creams that I could mix and match and choices daily that were different.  Yummy for sure.

Something else that was cool was the Broadway style musicals we had for entertainment plus comedians.  I do love amusing people especially those who don’t believe you have to curse every five minutes to be funny.

Never let anyone tell you it’s not special to have someone put a chocolate on your pillow and clean your room twice a day.  I am totally ready for that to happen all the time. :} Don’t worry I will pay them well to pamper me, but back to the trip.

There is something extra special about seeing people just relax, you can tell those who are not used to as they get stressed at the slightest little thing.  we didn’t observe many of those thankfully.  We did have someone who was confined to the quarters for something but I never really understood exactly.

I did also enjoy the casino the various restaurants that were in our cruise package and at some moments just being happy to have been involved in the abundance of it all.

In Bermuda, it was hard to breathe in the way that it took a few hours for me to really understand I finally was on an island.  YEAH.  Most people save months for this privilege and mine came in an instant, without a price tag, I as truly grateful.  The beautiful waters the local shops and again the awareness of a chance to see more of the world was a bit overwhelming.

The first day we visited St. Georges at the far end of the island.  We roamed and wandered down toward the opposite end passing the shops and the unfinished church on the way to Blackbeards restaurant.  It had a lovely alcove not too far from St. Catherine’s fort.  It was a cloudy day though lucky for us since the sun burning down on us as we walked would have been a nightmare.

We ended up waiting for a while as someone went off sightseeing but we didn’t mind.  By the way,  I was with some relatives who do this type of excursion from time to time.  As what we say is what we get we were able to get a ride back down to the town from a local hotel shuttle.  You can imagine at first we were not sure he would take us but he was a friendly sort, very amiable.

What I found odd about this day was that we went right back down to the dock to get back on the ferry after that short time it couldn’t have been more than two hours or so.  This is the one down side of being with a group.  I had no time to roam the shops to get that feel of exploring which was a bummer for me.  This is not a complaint anyone who had ventured out with friends has experienced this.

It had been agreed that we would work from the farthest end of the island than wander the Wharf area nearest the ship on the final day in Bermuda.

My favorite times were a bit of a mix.  I enjoyed being alone to roam around the ship, at times just watching people or dozing in the sun or day dreaming while ocean watching.  A couple of times I had my own excursions.

Once I went to an art auction, actually it ended up being twice.  The first time for the champagne I admit it sounded so fun.  Believe me it was, I realized while I was there that the auction part was also fascinating.  I returned on another day to see if I could win some art to take back.  I had received 18 free entries.  At this point I am not sure how that happened but I was excited.  I was so excited I ended up on the first row.  I didn’t win but I thoroughly enjoyed the process.  There was a beautiful Tiger painting that made me cry it just touched my heart.  I decided in the end it was too different in style from the painting I already have to be worth it, it was still touching.

Another outing involved looking at how John Hardy makes his jewelry in Bali.  They showed us on a presentation plus they had examples but he was not aboard, sadly. Oh yes Bali is on my bucket list, I have been hearing great things.  There were only four of us at this small gathering but I learned about craftmanship.  I also looked at the displayed jewelry and found it quite unique. I enjoy unique, I am not a buy what everyone else has kinda girl at all.

Now this is a warning and something I had no idea about even while I was there it didn’t quite make sense but a cruise is like a glorified shopping experience.  I had no idea.  All the little events and demonstrations are someone trying to get you to buy something.  There are decks of things for sale, in all price ranges from a few dollars to millions I imagine.  Just thinking of it now gives me a strange since of “I had no clue.”  Part of me really thought it was sheer convenience and fun but no its really not.  Its how they make their real money from those willing to shop aboard the high seas.  I know it’s all about the EXPERIENCE, right?

Nevertheless, it was still good fun.

On friday we went to Hamilton on the ferry and ended up in the middle of a parade. According to a sign they have it each week where people can share their homemade items on the street downtown.  It was quite busy and festive especially when the parade strolled through right during the rain.  We had homemade lemonade squeezed right there on the street, very tasty.  We also ended up inside a cool shop with sculptures that were hand created by African artisans.  I fell in love with a lion called “The KING”.  Yes its mine in the near future.  It is beautiful and made of a pale green jade stone, I love it.

On our return trip the ferry was so full we ended up in the cabin with the captain.  This was interesting. One of our group is in a delicate situation and one of the crew suggested we ask, it was agreed upon and we basically had the best seats inside out of the rain too.  You never know till you ask.

There is a bit of contrast between the days at sea and the days on shore.  I suppose it’s just logic on the ship we were looking for things to occupy us.  On land we occupied ourselves with various places to visit.

On one of the days we visited the Crystal caves.  They had a fantasy crystal cave with more yellow crystals hanging from the ceilings while the other cave had more white crystals.  The Fantasy cave was quite smaller than the other cave also.  The larger cave was full of water which meant they had created a makeshift bridge.  I cannot say that was real comforting but when in a group I believe we tend to take on that mentality.  It didn’t seem as if anyone else was concerned and we all survived it. The crystals were fascinating. The story of their discovered is mentioned in the link in the beginning of this paragraph.



Here are some videos from the ship below:





I didn’t post all the videos some of them were to close up and the goal was to show you what was happening on the ship not to show me so much.

Bellingham, the happy Accident

What  a whirlwind of activity I have enjoyed.  My last actual post  until recently(san diego) was after I left the San Francisco area May 2016.  At that time I had headed to Vancouver to help a lady in her garden for a while.  I actually never made it to British Columbia, there will be more about that in my book.  If anyone is interested I am writing a Fictional story based on my adventures, I am seeking a ghost writer because I will need that balance in this book.

At the border near Canada it seems there was an issue although they never actually spelled it out.  As the officer was taking me back toward the American side of the border she whispered to me, something that will be shared in the book, Ah ha, can’t give away all my secrets.

At the border station no one really seemed that concerned about a lone little woman in the middle of the night being stranded.  I wanted to know where I was to go and my mind was confused as to what had happened.  Even to this day it makes little sense to me. It was later on that someone told me what had to have been the thinking of the border patrol.  The fact that I was going to do work exchange was somehow an affront to them.  I was a happy go lucky person enjoying her life and basically that somehow was not what they wanted to see arriving on the Canadian shores.  HA!

After a few moments at the station realizing they didn’t care whether I sat there all night or not they were chatting hanging out on computer not paying me much mind.  I went to the counter to ask if there was going to be a bus going back south, which there wasn’t.  I seriously had to ask every single questions to get to the fact that there was a local hotel a mile away.  No one offered to take me, since they weren’t busy it would have been the courteous thing to do, there was even a police car outside so there had to be at least a cop around.  Nope, stranded I sat.

Longs story short, we will leave the rest of that adventure for the book. I was able to find through the same website img_1219another person in a town called Bellingham to offer me an exchange position the next day.  She met me in the town and took me to her house.  She was the sweetest lady, taking me in the home giving me the key.  I ended up staying close to four months all together and now call Bellingham my home at heart.

Yep definitely long story short, so much drama so little time.

Update: 3-2-2017>>Okay so I call it home but currently do not live there yet, I am in now in Washington, but not yet home 🙂


Vanabode: Amazing Book on how to live on $20 a day Forever 






Finally in SoCal

Yes, I know the vernacular but my time in Southern California has had its ups and downs just like any other adventure. After moving to Bellingham after my previous good times, I was already to start my new life. Two things happened: 1st the place I was staying was for sale and sold sooner than anyone expected. It was intended to be an extended stay at least more than a month. Secondly, my back up plan fell through, unexpectantly and I wasn’t able to recover from that soon enough. I actually wasn’t the only that had to leave sooner, the person who owned the house had to find alternate arrangements too.
I was able to find a place that was enthusiastic about having me come help with their computer services, however they were near San Diego. If not for the enthusiasm I would have made other choices for certain but instead I decided to go live in a community situation, one I had yet to experience. In the end, that particular situation was not to my liking for several reasons. I do admit and have learned that a person’s perspective on anything is what will rule the thinking about that situation. My perspective changed when I found out there were rattle snakes lurking around every bush. I say that because in my viewpoint that was how I was TOLD or you might say how I perceived it. So with that in my mind, maybe the dye was already cast, and meant to end in a strange unhappy manner.
However, that is not to say that I didn’t have good times in my week and a half that I deemed to stay there at the retreat center. I won’t give the name to protect the reputation of the place but message me if you plan to visit the area.
I am not saying the people in charge where all bad of course not but it became clear that there was a hidden/dark/strange emotion ruling this place. It was as though every conversation with the person in charge was emotional like someone was apologizing all the time. The manner of the apology was insincere at best, through my eyes at least. That was a problem outside of the other things I encountered.
The limited amount of good times I experienced included my cool yoga teacher roomie and my awesome healer pal. These two ladies made it easier to stay at this place I had initially planned to live in for an indefinite time period. The healer and I had a cool trip into the city, because we were living in the mountains, East f San Diego, one day. We talked non-stop, she dropped me off at the mall to look around while she ran an errand. As far as my roomie and I had long talks in our room, she helped me to be brave as the situation changed rapidly from this is cool to what horror movie have we walked into.
We had sunny days chatting on the porch as well as night talking in the kitchen. Unfortunately when the rodents showed their heads things got a bit strange. Some might think I was overly sensitive except when a RAT is seen in a place of business where food is being cooked or served and that business does not immediately get rid of it, there is a problem. No one should ever say its okay to see a rat running not only across the floor but across the kitchen counter, in the upstairs bedrooms, coming out of my closet, OMG! It was too much for not only me but the others had encounters with them also. If you have ever had to sleep thinking something was going to run across your feet then you understand. It actually scarred me to the point to where I had a hard time sleeping at first in the next location. 😦
The best day I had, was one when I was dropped off to hang out at SeaPort Village down near the ocean in San Diego. I walked around by myself looking in all the shops watching the waves in the ocean. My heart was so full and happy. I find myself much more joyfull when I am alone near water that way. I was so happy I could have cried, instead I had a cigarette and sat down to watch the people. Hey, what are you going to do right :)!
While I was walking I noticed a few tents set up for some sort of event, I was looking around and some guy grabbed my hand. He was a palm reader. I gave him a look like no I don’t have any money just stop, he said “Its okay,” he rubbed my hand then read my lines in it. He said I have had a hard life but it was really going to work out. I pulled my hand away and gave him a smile thought I felt like crying again. Such a strange day, but all in all I enjoyed it thoroughly, I felt happy to be alive and free more than at other times, really.

Moving on from the mountains I was able to have a chance to stay in wine country only about an hour and a half from San Diego to the North. This place has a comfy room all for me and two friendly dogs who are always trying to get me to be feed them crumbs, such naughty pups. The couple is fun and easy going.
My work there was mostly been posting items on ebay, a lot of items, I stayed there longer than any other place but in the end the total was five months. The ebay store is called ShoeBoxer if you have any inclination about the shoe collectibles I posted, they are called Just The Right Shoe I would adore them if I was a collector, check it out.
While I was in that area we had a chance to visit the Queen Mary Halloween Night, the Belmont Park, and the Christmas house tour. There was also a Rod Run, a small festival with vintage cars that were set up in a downtown area for us to Oooh and Ahh over kinda of a street fair. I like those kinds of events so I found it fun. We received lots of little souveniers at booths like key chains and pens, I also won a teeshirt and a flexible water cooler. It wasn’t bad for a free event the lady where I stayed also won a bottle of wine for me, yes it was good!!
Well life is never perfect but I have been enjoying myself at each place something good happens or I meet a new friend or two some times.

Here is the San Diego Video

I will be bringing back more hair vlogs soon. Lately I have been lazy with my hair I even got a cool new wig, I call it a hair hat, it sounds fun to me. I figure its all good.

Don’t forget to check out a couple of my other blogs:

A Passion 4 Style – Sign up for Mindset Training and/or Fashion Consultation there 🙂

Better Beauty Options  

Also Tweet to me @ReneesZindigo and follow me on Instagram @apassion4style

Comment below and see You soon maybe in Your town!


Vanabode: Live on $20 a day Forever

Down time in the South

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During my downtime earlier in the year, from traveling I ended up still having a chance to take a trip from Texas farther  south, near and in Charleston South Carolina with family.  It was a fun time with the ladies, shopping, roaming and hanging out near the beach.

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We also stayed in Hilton Head a few days roaming the thrift stores and eating great southern cuisine.  With all the swamp areas its a surprise we didn’t run into any alligators.  Hilton Head is a friendly place with all of its tourist areas, one thing I would have enjoyed would have been to play some mini golf like the time we were in Myrtle Beach.  The locals and other travelers were quite friendly and a good time was had by all.


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California Dreams near San Francisco

Hey Gang, I had a chance to spend some time in California last month and this might be posted a bit out of order but here it is, finally.  This was a day that I had out with a couple of new friends, we were in and around Golden Gate Park.  There are also some other pictures mixed in, Enjoy.  Oh and if you can’t hear the last part I am just talking about having a great day.  I actually have another close up video of the water I want to add to this page in the future, keep an eye out for it, very beautiful.

All photographs are copyright FRA 2015-2025


Vanabode: Live on $20 a day Forever

Owen Sound Stirrings

In January, I left small town Brantford for an even smaller town, near Owen Sound.  It was a slightly chilly day when my friend drove me to the meeting place.  It’s always a bit unique the way each host makes plans to meetup with a helper.  Previously, I had been met at the train station on a late night, which was totally different than this meeting.  On this day, I was driven to a hospital to meet my future host as she waited for her mother to finish her appointment, very convenient and it saved me a ton of money.  Traveling can be quite reasonable if you don’t mind going with the flow of each person’s life.

I could tell right away that my hostess was a happy person by the smile on her face when she recognized me.  It was all about greetings and making new plans for how the day was to go once my driver had gone on her way, Thanks Jess, my friend.

My hostess chatted for long moments as we waited for her mother to finish up with the doctor, then we headed on our way out the door.  Her mother and I waited patiently for her to drive the car around near the exit. It was obvious that her mother had been through the meeting new people all the time dance before.  She wasn’t swayed by a new face, but very open and inviting as her daughter had been.  It was as though there was a connection just from what little her daughter could have shared about me, the information gleaned from the emails we had written.

It makes me wonder why so many people are afraid of one another the fear has no real root, except being something that has been put in our heads since childhood.  BEWARE OF STRANGERS , Just because you have not met someone or have no history with them  shouldn’t make them your automatic enemy, meet them and become friends or at least acquaintances, its really okay they are people too.

During the trip mostly I watched the country side and made very few comments.  I had decided to try to keep more of my life private this time because I feel I tend to “over share.” It was a bit hard and awkward because this mother/daughter was so forthcoming and friendly.  Eventually, I began to share tidbits, nothing traumatic, you don’t want to scare off hosts with your worse flaws up front, or what seems worse to you at least.  In the end, it was a relief to just be myself and relax.  It took nearly four hours to arrive at the farm, I had no idea of this distance.  It didn’t seem quite so far on the map, does it ever? When we finally did arrive, I commented something like OMG, we are the middle of no where where have you all taken me, we all laughed.

Admittedly, getting out of the car in the middle of the snow I was a bit turned around, it took me until the next morning to figure out what exactly was all out in the dark.  Luckily, it wasn’t much, a wood shed, an old barn and another building, which was used as a studio.  Not what I imagined in the dark, it was laughable when I saw it in the light of day, the things one imagines can definitely be worse than the reality of the situation.

My job at this location was very simple, to help sort out all garden seeds, the usable from none usable and then I would soak them in paper towels near a window to see if they were viable enough to be planted in the spring.  I also helped with some herb work, she owns an herbal business.  She taught me how to garble herbs and to put together herbs to make teas.  It was very fascinating and something I plan to do myself in the future.

My favorite time with Anna was when she took me with her to the free-dance night, not sure what its called, at her friends dance studio.  I took me a while to get relaxed, but it was fun trying and watching everyone else.  I was very enamored with the idea that we were in a building that was all hand made including the floors and walls, it was quite enjoyable.  Afterward, we had gone inside the owner’s house which also was made from hand, it was a two story log cabin.  The cabin was elegant and quite large and ornate inside, just beautiful.

The mother, Jean and the daughter were awesome hosts, and one of my favorite aspect of this adventure was interacting with Molly the dog.  I call her my starter dog, just so lovable.  I will always remember, sweet Molly.  I have to tell you about this doggie, she sleeps in the bathroom and sometimes on my nightly visits she didn’t want to move for me to use the toilet and she would “groan” so funny, but she would still move despite my inconveniencing her, gotta love that.  The homemade meals were also an interesting aspect as we all shared in the cooking routines so I learned a few things about doing this from scratch that I hadn’t practiced.

On the final morning, Jean was concerned that I had not used her homemade bread to make a travel sandwich, but she didn’t know I had made those sandwiches before bread and had them packed away already.  She was so happy, I enjoyed those sandwiches between Toronto and Detroit, thinking of fun times playing scrabble and word games near Owen Sound.  So many memories, of snows, bringing in wood, long fun chats with both mom/daughter and walking Molly outside, it was a truly special adventure.

The entire experience of having a chance to be in a family oriented environment in the middle of the winter in a country I had always wanted to explore more fully than just a visit for a day or so was simply amazing to me.  I speak of these lovely people often with a glad smile of remembrance, it was that kind of a stay.



Belated Holiday Greetings

Yes Belated Holiday greetings for certain, this was the one that may be posted a bit out of order. I still remember those cold moments near Niagara with my frozen fingers. We wandered the cold streets after viewing the pretty lights as well as the colorful falls. It is amazing how putting my hands in my pockets made all the difference, go figure. Enjoy the music and memories.

Brantford Interviews

The time has come to say goodbye to Brantford, ON and the Healthy Rabbit.  These are the interviews from most of the various people that I interacted with during my time working at the restaurant. I had never worked in a kitchen environment before and found it quite interesting more than I first thought I would. Healthy is the website to learn more about the yummy food, or just stop Brantford when you are in the area.  You can tell in some portions where I took the reigns to lead the conversation but as the director of the videos its allowed right LOL, Enjoy!